<![CDATA[The AnimalSpeak with Pat Blocker - Blog]]>Thu, 09 May 2024 10:26:19 -0600Weebly<![CDATA[Connecting Beyond the Veil: Communicating with Pets Who Have Passed]]>Mon, 27 Nov 2023 22:00:01 GMThttp://theanimalspeak.com/blog/connecting-beyond-the-veil-communicating-with-pets-who-have-passed
Pictured above are two paintings I did of my beloved Penny Lane and Jett. I connected with them from beyond the veil and they came through me and onto the canvas.

During the holidays, we often experience feelings of nostalgia and a longing for days gone by. Feelings surrounding our loved ones who have passed are often particularly intense during the holidays. These emotions include missing our animal companions who've crossed The Rainbow Bridge.

Losing a beloved pet can be an incredibly challenging and emotional experience. However, for those who have a deep connection with their animals, the desire to communicate with them doesn't end with physical separation. I believe that it's possible to maintain a connection with our pets even after they have passed. Here, we'll explore some approaches to communicating with pets who have crossed The Rainbow Bridge, offering solace and the potential for continued connection.

Create a Sacred Space: Establishing a dedicated space for communication can help create a conducive environment. This can be a quiet corner in your home or a spot in nature that held significance for you and your pet. By infusing this space with positive energy and memories, you set the stage for a meaningful connection.

Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, can be instrumental in opening channels of communication. Clear your mind, focus on your breath, and allow your thoughts to settle. In this state of calm, you may find it easier to sense the presence of your departed pet and receive any messages they may be trying to convey.

Utilize Symbols and Objects: Pets often leave behind tangible items that carry their energy. Utilize objects such as collars, toys, or bedding as conduits for communication. Hold these items close and visualize a connection forming between you and your pet. Some individuals find comfort in creating altars adorned with these meaningful artifacts.

Express Your Feelings: Communication doesn't always have to be one-sided. Speak to your pet as if they are still present, sharing your thoughts, memories, and feelings. Some people find writing letters or creating a visual journal to be therapeutic ways of expressing their emotions and maintaining a connection with their departed companions.

Seek Professional Guidance: Consider consulting with me, as I specialize in connecting with pets on the other side. I can act as intermediary, facilitating communication and provide insights that may elude you in our everyday understanding.

Communicating with pets who have passed requires an open heart, patience, and a willingness to explore unconventional avenues. Whether through mindfulness practices, symbolic objects,  or professional guidance, the goal is to foster a sense of continued connection. Remember that the bond with your companion animals transcends physicality, and by embracing various approaches, you may find comfort in knowing that love endures beyond the veil.

Don't miss out on this event!
An Evening With The AnimalSpeak

Connecting Beyond the Veil: Communicating with Pets Who Have Passed

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
A Reading for your animal with Pat Blocker
Click here for more information and to register. See you there!

I'd like to announce the release of my new book co-authored by Sarah Pellizzari

Beyond the Last Walk: Saying Goodbye, Navigating Grief, and Healing after the Loss of a Dog
by Pat Blocker and Sarah Pellizzari

In this heartfelt guide, Pat Blocker and Sarah Pellizzari offer a gentle hand to those experiencing the profound loss of a beloved canine companion. "Beyond the Last Walk" serves as a guiding light through the grieving process, offering practical advice, gentle exercises, and heartfelt anecdotes to help you navigate this delicate time. Pat's expertise as a certified professional dog trainer and animal communicator, combined with Sarah's background as a clinical social worker and certified professional dog trainer, creates a unique and comprehensive approach to healing.

With wisdom born from years of experience, Pat and Sarah provide a comforting blend of professional insight and empathetic support. They recognize that the bond between humans and dogs transcends the ordinary, and losing such a cherished friend can be a deeply emotional journey.

Through these pages, you'll find solace, understanding, and a path towards acceptance. Whether you're in the midst of saying goodbye or seeking solace after the fact, this book provides a sanctuary for your grief, offering a companion on your journey towards healing.

Allow "Beyond the Last Walk" to be your lifeline during this sensitive time, reminding you that you are not alone, and that healing is possible. Let Pat Blocker and Sarah Pellizzari's expertise and compassion guide you towards a place of peace and renewal.

order your copy now

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Order a gift certificate for a 1-hour virtual reading with The AnimalSpeak today.

Now, through December, 15, 2023! Mention this offer when you order and receive $25 off the purchase of a gift certificate.

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<![CDATA[5 Tips on Intuitive Communication with Animals]]>Mon, 13 Nov 2023 20:02:06 GMThttp://theanimalspeak.com/blog/5-tips-on-intuitive-communication-with-animalsPicture
Genuine listening requires that you willingly bear witness to what someone else needs to say while simultaneously sparing them of your own solution, defense, dismissal, alternative reality, rebuttal, counterpoint, comparable story or more extreme example. This kind of listening is a very "active" part to play in a conversation. You have to believe for those moments that none of the things you might say could possibly be as valuable as hearing someone out. You may need to employ every ounce of your strength of character to actually pay attention and not butt-in with your own bit. That kind of attention paid to another is powerful medicine.  - Gil Hedley

The following is an excerpt from my book,
Letting in the Dog, Opening Hearts and Minds to a Deeper Understanding. The book speaks to intuitive communication with dogs, but understand that it can also speak to all species.

 Before I became an animal communicator myself, my opinion of the practice may be similar to that of many readers. I was open to the idea, albeit with a certain amount of skepticism. I’ve heard stories of people who had employed the services of a professional animal communicator and were amazed. They had been doubtful at first, but the communicator told them things about their animal that they couldn’t possibly have known. They asked, “How could she have known that?” At that point, they became believers.
Before I started studying animal communication, I’d never had anyone do a reading with one of my animals. My experience was somewhat the opposite of stories like those described above. In my studies, I began doing readings with my online study group. Upon having the facts from my reading verified by the pet’s owner, I would ask, “How could I possibly have known that?” At that point, I became a believer.

  1. Respect and listen
         To communicate intuitively with animals we must engage in active, respectful listening. Active listening is more than passive hearing. It means making a conscious effort to understand the complete message being communicated. Active listening forges positive and respectful bonds if we listen fully by keeping our minds and hearts completely open.
         A good listener is present and attentive. A good listener is does not judge either end of the conversation. Good listeners must trust in what is received. The first thing for a beginning animal communicator to learn is to trust what’s coming through, deciphering the message from the noise, and to refrain from inserting one’s own agenda.
  2. Understand
         We need to be in tune with our own energy to be in tune with the energy of others, be they human or non-human. Our thoughts create our reality, affecting those around us and we all too easily project our reality onto others. You know how you can feel your partner’s mood when you walk into the room and how they can feel your mood as well?  We are all connected by this energy. I have a saying about some people or animals…she really fills up a room. It means that they have a palpable energy that everyone feels.
         We’re constantly broadcasting our energy to our companion animals and they are always receiving it. Animals are sending their energy to us and we must be aware in order to get it. For most of us, the more difficult part of the conversation is the receiving. It’s easier to talk than it is to listen, easier to broadcast than to receive.
         Animals (dogs in particular) readily show us that they are listening and observing. If we’re sick, they seem to know and are available to comfort us. When we are sad, they become protective. When we are worried, they will be there for us, acting extra silly to bring us out of our worried state.
         This is good news, but I also see how people stressing about their animal’s ability to read them. People with anxious dogs often blame themselves for their dog’s behavior. They say that if they could only relax, then their dog could relax. While this is true, telling oneself to relax and expecting it to happen, is like telling oneself not to think about zebras. See? You are thinking about zebras.
  3. Relax
         To communicate on an intuitive level with animals, we must be calm and we must be neutral. In my readings with my clients, we first do a grounding and clearing meditation. With this meditation, we let go of all tensions, physical difficulties, and busy thoughts. Nothing can pass through a contracted mind or body.  Animals will feel safe when talking to a calm, centered person.
  4. Protected
         Everyone needs to feel safe in a conversation. In communication, I want to convey to the animal that they are safe, especially the fearful or shy ones. Once an animal feels safe, they are more likely to open up.
  5.  Gratitude 
         In the context of intuitive conversation, gratitude is not just an obligatory thank you. It is a heartfelt, deep appreciation for allowing us in. With wholehearted gratitude, we strengthen the relationship because we show that we value it. We demonstrate that we appreciate those engaged in the conversation.

I hope these tips will help you achieve a deeper connection to your companion animal, and also remember:

Connect with me to connect with your animal!


<![CDATA[Embracing Gratitude: A Heartfelt Reflection on Our Animal Companions]]>Tue, 07 Nov 2023 18:46:32 GMThttp://theanimalspeak.com/blog/embracing-gratitude-a-heartfelt-reflection-on-our-animal-companionsPicture
With the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, I've been reflecting on the deep gratitude I have for the companion animals in my life, past and present. In the fast-paced whirlwind of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the profound impact that animals have on our well-being and spiritual growth. As an animal communicator, I've been blessed with the privilege of witnessing the depth of connection between humans and their beloved companions. This journey has not only enriched my understanding of our animal friends but has also deepened my gratitude for the roles they play in our lives.

Cultivating Mindfulness through Animal Companions:
Our animal friends have an uncanny ability to ground us in the present moment. Whether it's a cat's gentle purring or a dog's eagerly wagging tail, their simple presence reminds us to appreciate life's little joys. As an animal communicator, I often encourage my clients to embrace this mindfulness and find solace in the tranquility of their pet's company.

Teaching Us the Art of Unconditional Love:
One of the most profound lessons animals impart is the concept of unconditional love. They accept us without judgment, embracing our flaws and celebrating our victories. In my years of working with animals,(especially in my career as a professional dog trainer) I've witnessed countless examples of this unwavering affection, which serves as a poignant reminder of the beauty in acceptance.

Fostering Empathy and Compassion:
Our animal companions have a unique way of tapping into our empathetic nature. Through understanding their needs, fears, and desires, we learn to extend our compassion not only to them but to the world at large. This newfound empathy can lead to more fulfilling relationships with both animals and fellow humans.

Offering Mirrors to Our Souls:
Animals are mirrors that reflect our innermost emotions and energies. They respond to our moods, absorb our stress, and celebrate our joys. As an animal communicator and professional dog trainer, I guide my clients in recognizing these subtle reflections and using them as a gateway to self-discovery and personal growth.

Bridging the Communication Gap:
Through my work at The Animalspeak, I've witnessed the transformative power of effective communication with animals. The connection forged through understanding their language, whether verbal or non-verbal, opens up new avenues of trust and intimacy. This bridge of communication is the cornerstone of the deep, meaningful relationships we strive for with our animal companions.

In the tapestry of life, our animal companions are threads of unwavering support, love, and wisdom. They enrich our existence in ways we may not always acknowledge, but their impact is undeniable. As an animal communicator and certified professional dog trainer, my mission is to help others recognize and cherish these invaluable connections. Together, let us embrace gratitude for the profound gift of companionship that animals bring to our lives, and may we continue to learn and grow alongside them. Connect with me to connect with your animal, and let's embark on this beautiful journey of understanding and gratitude, side by side.

<![CDATA[Embracing the Winter Wonderland]]>Mon, 30 Oct 2023 19:03:38 GMThttp://theanimalspeak.com/blog/embracing-the-winter-wonderlandEmbracing the Winter Wonderland:
How Some Animals Thrive in the Snow

It's been cold and snowy in Colorado, so I thought we'd explore the relationship between certain animals and the snowy wonderland that winter brings. For many animals, there's a special magic that comes alive when these creatures encounter the cold, white blanket that covers the ground.

The Snow's Allure
For many animals like my puppy Lovely Rita (pictured here), the first encounter with snow is a moment of pure wonder. Its unique texture and temperature under their paws can be both intriguing and exhilarating. Dogs, for example, often bound through the snow with an infectious joy (sometimes called "Snow Zoomies") where they completely embrace the opportunity to frolic and play.

Adaptations for the Cold
Nature has equipped some animals with remarkable adaptations that allow them not only to endure but thrive in snowy conditions. Take the Arctic fox, for instance, with its thick, insulating fur that provides both warmth and camouflage. This adaptation allows them to navigate the snow-covered terrain with ease.

Likewise, certain bird species like the ptarmigan change the color of their plumage to white in winter, effectively blending into their surroundings. This clever adaptation helps them avoid predators while foraging for food.

Animals and Their Winter Rituals
Observing our animal companions in the snow reveals a wealth of interesting behaviors. Squirrels, for instance, can be seen busily burying nuts in the snow, using it as a natural refrigerator to preserve their winter stash. This intricate caching behavior is a testament to their incredible adaptability.

Deer, known for their graceful movements, exhibit a keen ability to navigate through deep snow using their powerful legs. They've evolved to conserve energy while traversing the snowy landscape, a skill that showcases their remarkable survival instincts.

Forming Deeper Bonds
As an animal communicator, I understand the importance of embracing these moments with the animal world. Engaging with them in their natural element, whether it's through play, observation, or gentle interaction, strengthens the bond between us.

The snow-covered landscape offers a captivating backdrop for observing the resilience and beauty of our animal friends. Through keen observation and gentle interaction, we can connect with them on a deeper level, gaining insight into their world through understanding.

I invite you to embrace these moments of wonder with your animal companions. Connect with me to embark on a journey of understanding, forming a deeper relationship that transcends seasons.

Remember, the magic of the snowy world is not just for us to behold, but for our cherished companions to experience and enjoy as well.

*NOTE: While animals enjoy the snow, it's important to ensure they have access to shelter where they can retreat from the cold. Be mindful of the temperature and duration of exposure to the cold,

An Evening with The AnimalSpeak
Don't miss out on this event at this special introductory price!

Tuesday, November 7th, 2023
A Reading for your animal with Pat Blocker

Join us for an exciting and informative online event with The AnimalSpeak. Discover the fascinating world of animal communication and our connection with the animal kingdom. Receive a reading with Pat for your companion animal to answer questions you have for them. Discover how animal communication can deepen your relationship with your animal.

Sign up now to reserve your spot and be a part of this extraordinary event for the extraordinary price of $22 (A $44 value.)
Space is limited!
Enroll Now
<![CDATA[Coming Soon: The AnimalSpeak Newsletter]]>Tue, 24 Oct 2023 01:14:54 GMThttp://theanimalspeak.com/blog/coming-soon-the-animalspeak-newsletterAnnouncing The AnimalSpeak Newsletter Picture

Coming Soon!

I'm currently working on a monthly newsletter entitled, Whispers from the Animal Kingdom, Animal Insights Unveiled. (Don't hold me to that, but right now I'm liking this title.)

This newsletter will be your gateway to deeper connections with your companion animals.

What's Inside?

Insider Insights: Gain valuable tips and techniques from me andl earn how to decode your companion's behavior and strengthen your bond.
Featured Stories: Hear heartwarming tales of transformative connections between animals and their humans. These stories will inspire and remind you of the incredible relationships that are possible.

Upcoming Events: Stay in the loop about my workshops, webinars, and special events.

Q&A Corner: Have burning questions about your animal companion's behavior or communication style? Submit them for a chance to have them answered in our upcoming editions!

Connect with Me to Connect with Your Animal:
Discover the true potential of your relationship with your animal companion through The AnimalSpeak Monthly Newsletter.Watch this space and be ready to embark on this enriching journey with me.

Here's to fostering deeper connections with our furry friends.

Warm regards,
Pat Blocker
Founder, The AnimalSpeak
Connect with me to connect with your animal.

<![CDATA[Unveiling the Intuitive Language of Animal Communication]]>Tue, 17 Oct 2023 06:00:00 GMThttp://theanimalspeak.com/blog/unveiling-the-intuitive-language-of-animal-communicationPicture
Unveiling the Intuitive Language of
Animal Communication

The Components of The AnimalSpeak Experience
1. Intuition and Empathy: Animal communication begins with honing our innate intuition and empathy. It involves attuning ourselves to the subtle cues and energies emitted by animals, enabling us to grasp their emotions, needs, and desires. I intuitively use empathy and compassion in communicating with your animal. Furthermore, I can help you to employ these techniques to deepen your relationship with them.

2. Energetic Connection: Animals are highly sensitive to energy, and establishing a harmonious energetic connection is fundamental to effective communication. In each reading, I will create an environment of trust and openness, allowing your animal to feel safe in expressing themselves.

3. Visualization and Intention Setting: In each reading, visualization techniques are employed to form mental images or concepts that can be shared with your animal. Combined with clear intentions, this allows for a more focused and effective exchange of information.

The Benefits of Animal Communication
1. Enhanced Understanding: By engaging in animal communication, we gain profound insights into the inner world of our animal companions. This deeper understanding paves the way for more meaningful interactions and can help us to better understand behavioral issues.

2. Healing and Emotional Support: Animals, like humans, experience a range of emotions. Through communication, we can offer them comfort, reassurance, and healing, particularly in times of stress or illness.

Unique to The AnimalSpeak experience:
3. Improved Training and Behavior Modification:
As a Certified Professional Dog Trainer, I can integrate animal communication into your dog training methodology, which can yield remarkable results. It allows you to tailor your approach to the individual needs and preferences of your dog, leading to more effective and enjoyable training sessions.

Embracing animal communication is a powerful step towards forging a stronger, more harmonious relationship with your cherished animal companions. At The Animalspeak, I are dedicated to guiding you on this transformative journey, providing you with the tools and insights needed to unlock the language of the heart. Join us in this exploration, and witness the profound impact it can have on your connection with the animals you hold dear.

Warm regards,
Pat Blocker

<![CDATA[Unveiling the Language of the Heart: Understanding Animal Communication]]>Fri, 13 Oct 2023 19:44:17 GMThttp://theanimalspeak.com/blog/october-13th-2023Picture
Unveiling the Language of the Heart:
Understanding Animal Communication

Welcome to The Animalspeak, with Pat Blocker. Here, we'll embark on a journey to unravel the mysterious language that connects humans and their animal companions. In my experience as an animal communicator, I have witnessed the profound impact that understanding this unique form of communication can have on fostering deeper bonds between humans and their animals. In this blog, we will delve into the essence of animal communication, shedding light on what it is and how it can transform your relationship with your companion animals.

Defining Animal Communication
At its core, animal communication is the art of connecting with animals on an intuitive level, transcending the barriers of spoken language. It is the ability to tap into the rich tapestry of emotions, thoughts, and sensations that form the language of our animal friends. This form of communication operates on a subtle, intuitive level, allowing us to bridge the gap between species and gain insight into the world as experienced by our animal companions.

In this blog, we'll explore the components of animal communication and it's benefits. You'll discover how embracing animal communication can be a powerful step towards forging a stronger, more harmonious relationship with your cherished animal companions.
